What happens when you stop buying games for 5 months

Monday, September 13, 2021

It’s been a while since I last posted something on this blog. It must have been lonely over here. But truth to be told, there was so much happening around me the past months and I lost the motivation to blog— or write. Nothing great happened so it was a lot of coping and fixing on my end.

This blog, missmeowlodei was created to be a happy space— hence I didn’t see the need to update on this blog. But now that I’m in a clearer mind, I’ve planned for some changes and update!

Let’s get on with the post, shall we?

nintendo switch missmeowlodei story of season

4 things that happened when I stop buying games for 5 months

Wow, looking back at my calendar, I last bought a game was 5 months ago. Wasn’t it astonishing? Imagine controlling the urge to get newly released games or striking off something off your gaming wish list. It was hard. So difficult. But is it doable? Well I did it, why can’t you?

Over the 5 months of not purchasing games, I noticed a few things.

1. I stop giving in to fomo

When you give in to always purchasing a newly-released game or pre-ordering games that have yet to be released, you fear the fomo. You fear missing out on the game as soon as it releases. You fear not being able to be the first few to talk about it. But here’s the thing, it is okay to buy your games much later when everyone has completed theirs. It’s totally ok to buy your games a year after it releases. That’s because the game stays the same, but the prices of the game would have depreciated by a little. For those who think a full price is expensive, buying your games much later will help you save a couple bucks.

2. My spending habits changed drastically

I see myself spending more on meaningful items such as better groceries, organic snacks and putting more towards repaying my home loan. Without a doubt, I’m spending my money mindfully now that I have a few hundred to spare.

3. I’m more mindful of purchasing games

When it comes time to purchase games, I’m also mindful to select what I really want to experience. Instead of buying games just because of cute graphics or for the sake of the ‘gram, I made sure to do my research thoroughly to make sure I’d enjoy the game. If there’s a demo, I’d play it first then think about it if a purchase should be made.

nintendo 3ds game stack missmeowlodei

4. I find more value in the current games I play

Truth to be told, sometimes when you have a new unopened game waiting for you, you tend to speed through the current game— or like me, put it aside and start the new game. You stop immersing yourself 100% into the current game as your mind is preoccupied with thoughts of playing the new game. Now that I don’t have new games waiting for me, I am able to engross myself in the wonderful games I currently play *coughs* Genshin Impact.

There’s a lot of discipline put into work the moment you decide to stop purchasing games for some time. It may be hard for the first few weeks, especially when you’re on the #gaming ‘gram community— you see beautiful photos and reviews of new games you never had.

But if you ever manage to control the urges, it actually doesn’t bother you that much anymore once the initial difficulty is over. 

Edit: I’ve since bought a physical 2nd hand copy of Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town on September 2021, breaking my 5-month streak.

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